This is a sequel to Ken Osterman’s Sports and Horse Racing Betting Systems That Work!. As with Ken’s first book, there are methods for handicapping both horse races and sports. In this book, he has an angle for handicapping each of the popular breeds of horse racing: thoroughbred, quarter horse and harness.
With sports betting, he provides a profitable method for NHL hockey that focuses on road teams who are the underdogs, going off in the middle odds range. His other method involves a fascinating angle on college basketball. In fact, this method does not involve handicapping teams at all. You are handicapping the betting public, so you don’t need to be an expert to use this system. There are plenty of examples that allow you to follow this method in step-by-step fashion.
Here is the list of systems included in this book.
Horse racing
The Quarter Horse Speed Index Method
The B6 Sprint System for Thoroughbreds
The Quick Rating Method for Harness Racing
Betting Favorites Using the Modified d’Alembert Betting Method
Sports Betting
The NHL Road Dog Method
College Basketball
The Betting Odds Analysis Method
This book is currently available:
In Paperback on Amazon
In Kindle format on Amazon
It is also available on iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Scribd, and 24Symbols.